The Carolinas-Virginia MSDC conducts an extensive business review of new and existing MBEs. This review, the Certification Process, is designed to ensure compliance with the NMSDC member standards for certified minority business status. Certification by the Carolinas-Virginia MSDC is a nationally recognized NMSDC Certification and has the capability of nationwide expansion through Subscription Service Status.
- Advocacy
- Certification
- Discounted registration to NMSDC national events
- Eligibility for NMSDC development programs
- National Referrals
- Post Certification Briefing
- Supplier Database Inclusion and Access
- Access to business opportunities in NC, SC, central/eastern/western VA
- Industry group participation
- Matchmaker sessions
- Tier II Partnerships
- CVMSDC Networking Events
- Discounted registration to CVMSDC events
- Event Sponsorship opportunities (to include prominent signage & recognition in our BOC magazine at CVMSDC Business Opportunity Conference (BOC)
- Event Exhibitor opportunities (to include exhibiting at CVMSDC BOC)
- Webinars
- CVMSDC E-Connection Newsletter
- CVMSDC Calendar of Events
- RFPs Business Leads/Alerts from Corporate Members
- Education Development Sessions
- Listing in National and local database with exposure to more than 3,500 local and national members
- Ability to apply for Scholarships to executive management programs
- Minority Business Education Executive Program – Amos Tuck School of Business
- Kellogg School of Management Northwestern
- Minority Business Enterprises Executive Management Program – University of Richmond
Subscription Service is only offered to MBEs that have businesses that are NOT headquartered in NC, SC central, eastern & western VA.
If your business IS headquartered in NC, SC central, eastern & western VA, please click here to begin the new certification application.
Get Started
Class I (Annual Sales < 1 Mil) | $450.00 |
Class II (Annual Sales 1 mil – < 10 mil) | $500.00 |
Class III (Annual Sales 10 mil – < 50 mil) | $550.00 |
Class IV (Annual Sales > 50 mil) | $600.00 |
Complete the application below.
You will receive a return email with an information form and a credit card authorization form.
Please complete and return to Marjilette Brown.
Your home council will be contacted for verification.
Once verification is received, your credit card will be processed.
A subscription letter will be emailed to you confirming that you are now eligible for our enhanced services as outlined above along with your payment receipt.
Subscription Application
Certification Briefing
To become certified, each applicant goes through a detailed process that determines if the applicant is at least 51% owned, managed and controlled by US citizen(s) and operates an independent for-profit business. It is strongly recommended to attend the MBE Pre-Certification Workshop that happens the 4th Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the CVMSDC offices. At the MBE Pre-Certification Workshop, the certification application is reviewed in detail along with the process and the documentation. Applicants have found that by attending the Pre-Certification workshop, they get through the process quicker and submit completed packets.
Please join us every 4th Wednesday of the month from 10:00 am – 11:00 am.