Understanding RING Structure

The six Regional Industry Needs Group (RINGs) are local work groups comprised of CVMSDC Corporate Partners and certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) owners – OUR MEMBERS. RING groups are designed to focus on specific industry needs; some examples include Banking, Construction, Manufacturing, Retail, etc. Each RING should identify regional industry expertise and develop programming that is germane to their leading industries. Each RING is expected to publish studies, write articles, host workshops, and manage events that support their industry expertise.

The purpose of the RING structure is to support the work of CVMSDC through the planning of events, promotion of membership, sharing of industry knowledge, provision of scholarships and sponsorships. RINGs represent the front-line, hands-on work of CVMSDC; communication is enhanced, opportunities are shared, knowledge is retained, and relationships are forged through our RINGs.

Meetings are run by our Corporate Partners and governed through our by-laws. The work of each RING is managed by five (5) elected or appointed volunteer leadership positions:

  1. Corporate Chair – The RING Chair holds a CVMSDC Board Seat while in office
  2. Corporate Vice Chair – Assumes the role in absences of the Corporate Chair
  3. MBEIC Chair* – The MBEIC Chair holds a CVMSDC BOARD Seat while in office
    *Note: The MBEIC Chair should be the business owner
  4. MBEIC Vice Chair – Assumes the role in absences of the MBEIC Chair
  5. Secretary (MBE or Corporate Partner) – Record and maintain minutes in the meetings

RINGs are designed to meet monthly in rotating locations with an agenda led by the Corporate Chair. RING meetings are listed on the CVMSDC calendar (visit cvmsdc.org) and are open to MBE Members and Corporate Partners. A non-member can attend up to two meetings prior to joining CVMSDC; RING meetings are a great way to introduce potential members to CVMSDC. Please note, some RINGs meet monthly and some meet less frequently; CVMSDC requires a minimum of four meetings per year, per RING.

Engage with a V.I.P. Mindset

One of the VALUABLE benefits of CVMSDC Membership is the RING structure. INTENTIONAL hands-on work occurs at the RING level. There is a staff representative assigned to each RING to ensure that governance is followed and the mission of CVMSDC is supported. We encourage each of you to tap into the POWER of the RING structure by engaging with one of the six rings and attending events outside of your area that cover industry topics important to your work.

Where are the RINGs?

CVMSDC has six (6) operating RING structures:

Covering Midlands, Lowcountry Pee-Dee; Covering cities East of Columbia, SC
Covering the Richmond VA, Western & Coastal Areas – and All Areas South of Northern VA